Quality Control
The service profile of Quasaar GmbH primarily includes the quality control of pharmaceuticals (human and veterinary), active ingredients, raw materials and excipients.
Hereby the effectiveness and safety of the product for the protection of the patient or user is the prioritized goal.
For this purpose, mainly the latest analytical techniques are used, which for efficiency reasons have a high degree of automation. This is complemented by an extensive quality assurance system to ensure GMP compliance.
Equipment / Methods
Liquid chromatography:
HPLC / UPLC (Agilent, Merck-Hitachi)
Detectors: UV-VIS, MS, PDA, fluorescence, light scattering (CAD)
Generic method for determination of Nitrite (ppb range)
Drug Release:
Paddle & Basket (USP 1 & 2) automated systems
Mini paddle -enhancer-cell
Franz-Cell system
special techniques, special dosage forms
Biopharmaceutical characterisation
Gas chromatography:
GC / GC-HS (residual solvent, purity, automatic derivatisation)
Generic method for determination of residal solvents ICH Q3C
Generic method for determination of Diethylen-, Propyl-, Ethylenglycole (ppb range)
FTIR (Bruker), UV (Agilent)
Detector: FID
Ion analysis, content determination (Methrohm, Xylem-SI-Analytik)
Water determination / Karl-Fischer titration:
volumetric / coulometric, oven-methode (Metrohm)
Water activity
Moisture Analyzer
Pharmaceutical-technical methods:
- Disintegration
- Breaking strength
- Friability
- Testing for visible / non-visible particles
- Microscopic characterisation
- Pharmacopoeia analysis
- Identities
- Limit value tests
- Appearance
- Content - assay
- Purity - impurity profile
- Ashing/digestion
- Drying, evaporation loss
- Clarity-colour-opalescence of solutions
- Leak test
- Packaging material tests
- melting point
- Uniformity of content
- Average mass
- Drop size
- Acid, soap, hydroxyl, iodine number
- Wet chemical methods
- Filling volume
- Thin Layer Chromatography
- Sieve analysis
- Viscometry
Standard methods:
- Determination of pH value
- Osmolarity
- Polarimetry
- Refractrometry
- Density measurement
- Solubility determination (pH-dependent)
- Distribution coefficient
Special techniques:
- XRPD (Outsourcing)
- Material-specific function tests
- Particle size distribution (also toxic substances)
- Laser diffractrometry LD (Sympatec)
- Dynamic Light Scattering DLS (Malvern)
- Zeta potential
- Particle contamination
- Testing of inhalers,
- Permeation measurements of packaging materials
- Microbiological investigations (outsourcing)